Credit Where Credit is Due
Although the code (so far) is written entirely by me, I could not have done it without
outside help. So credit where credit is due:
I would like to thank Bram Fokke for his NXT# project:
Without his work, I doubt very much if my own work would have gotten off the ground.
I have even st... ehem... borrowed a bit of his code here and there. However the
major part of the code is my own.
It kind of bothers me that he managed to stake the cool "NXT#" name for his project,
leaving me with "MindSqualls". ;^)
BTW: If many of my class-names matches those of Bram Fokke, the reason is simple:
That is because those are the logical names. :^)
I would like to thank the Lego Group. Without their NXT'reme homepage:
- I doubt that any of us would have gotten very far.
This code depends very much on the following documents from the page:
The communication protocol for the NXT brick is specified in the documents:
Bluetooth Developer Kit,
Appendix 1: LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Communication protocol
- and:
Appendix 2: LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Direct commands
The I2C protocol for the Ultrasonic sensor is specified in the document:
Hardware Developer Kit
Appendix 7: LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Ultrasonic Sensor I2C communication protocol
Some of the more obscure points about the inner workings of the NXT brick was elaborated
on in the document:
Executable File Specification
I think that this is a document I will be studying in a lot of detail in the near
future! :^)
I would like to thank Dick Swan and Templar for their invaluable explanations in:
It was invaluable for understanding the intrincics of the Ultrasonic sensor and
the I2C protocol (and by extension, the protocol for the HiTechnic compass sensor).
The people at HiTecnic:
- for providing me with information about the Compass sensor when I emailed them.
Invaluable help for getting the HiTechnicCompassSensor class to work. Oh yes, and
for making the Compass sensor in the first place. :^)
Various other sources that I have mined for useful information tidbits (in no particular
Nabble Forums > Hardware > LEGO Robotics:
Michael Collins' LEGO NXT With Perl:
The Ruby-NXT project:
... and probably a few more that I have skimmed, and since forgotten. Sorry to those
I have left out.
And finally, but not the least:
The LEGO Group for making the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot in the first place:
It kind of makes me proud that this is a Danish company. :^)