What are You People Doing with MindSqualls?

One of the things I enjoy is to surf the Internet and see what other people are doing with my brainchild. Below are some choice examples. If you know of a site I have missed, please send me a mail.

In no particular order:

Controlling your NXT with the Kinect

See Xander controlling his NXT robot via the Kinect!

Xander's post http://mightor.wordpress.com/2011/04/10/controlling-your-nxt-with-the-kinect/
Xander's blog http://mightor.wordpress.com/

MOC: Airbus A380 NXT powered Airbus A380

Ryan made this truly impressive model of an Airbus A380 and is using Mindsqualls to remote control things like landing gear and flaps.

The Airbus A380 model http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=37972
More pictures http://modelbuildingsecrets.wordpress.com/2010/01/26/

Efficient Robotics using the Lego NXT Platform and .Net

Rui Filipe Guedes, Luis Paulo Reis and Armando Sousa write:

This paper presents a project that intends to enable efficient implementation of Multi-Agent systems on the Lego NXT robot commercial platform, programmable by using the well known Microsoft .NET C# language.
Their article http://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/bitstream/10216/6776/2/16006.pdf

Multimodal Human Robot Interaction

Mark Swaine is evaluating different interfaces to remote control a NXT robot; Nintendo Wiimote, Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller, Web and Mobile.

Each platform sends commands to a server and the communication form the server with the NXT is doe via MindSqualls.

The article http://www.cs.ru.ac.za/research/g06s0943/files/pres.pdf

RCAR Project

Robotic Context Awareness by RFID.

Ricardo Tesoriero, José A. Gallud and Ramón Tébar Bueno has build the RCAR which uses a grid of RFID tags to be aware of where it is.

The RCAR project page http://labloguera.net/blogs/rcar/

Automated Chaos

Alcwyn Parker made Mo-b alphabot that can write text messages on paper.

About the Mo-B alphabot http://automatedchaos.wordpress.com/2008/06/
His blog http://automatedchaos.wordpress.com/

NXT Gesture Control

Thomas Waadeland has attached 4 Ultrasonic sensors to his NXT and is using them for Gesture Control. Wow … who needs a Kinect then? (just kidding)

The video http://folk.uio.no/thomasw/robotics/nxt/nxtgesturecontrol.html
His homepage http://folk.uio.no/thomasw/robotics/index.html

A bit of block-to-block communication

Merlin13 has tried to send messages from one NXT brick to another. This is something that I have not tried myself (yet), but apparently I have got the MindSqualls implantation right anyway.

In his own words:

"MindSqualls rocks! NXTasy.org does, too!"
Read his post here http://mynxting.blogspot.com/2010/04/mindsqualls-rocks-nxtasyorg-does-too.html
His blog http://mynxting.blogspot.com/

Unfortunately NXTasy.org does not exist anymore, but you can find them at MindBOARDS instead.

NXT Lego Pathfinder

Lako1986 is using MindSqualls for communicating with his robots.

See the videos http://wn.com/Lako1986

The other stiff he is doing with image-recognition is pretty cool as well.

R2D2 MindStorms NXT with Windows Phone 7

Alexandros Sigaras has made an app for Windows Phone 7. He uses Mindsqualls to remote-control his R2-D2 via Bluetooth.

Watch the video here http://www.funnyrobotics.com/2011/01/r2d2-mindstorms-nxt-with-windows-phone.html
Download the code https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=10e568adbb498dc8&sc=documents&wa=wsignin1.0&sa=482416872&id=10E568ADBB498DC8%211056
FunnyRobotics http://www.funnyrobotics.com/

( *sigh* - I really wanted to be the first to do this )

The Code Project

EdMan196 has based his article on The Code Project on my MindSqualls.

Article: Basic Robot Control using NKH Mindsqualls Libraries http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cross-platform/Basic-Robot-Control.aspx
The Code Project http://www.codeproject.com/

Since this is a site I often come too when I need some qualified input on some intricate programming problem, I am flattered. :D

Recursive Robots

Eric McC., Cale S., Mark P., and Rachel F., students at the Univeristy of Washington, writes:

"3 robots collaborate to make a feedback loop in which they create their environment by reacting to it, according to their idiosyncratic behaviors."

They don't tell if they are running it through a single PC (i.e. if the MindSqualls API is handling three simultaneous bluetooth connections). Should be possible, but I've never tried it myself.

Project site http://courses.washington.edu/art483/site/pages/recursiverobots.shtml
Project Document http://courses.washington.edu/art483/site/images/recursiverobots.pdf
Video of the three robots in action http://courses.washington.edu/art483/files/gallery/video/projector.ref.mov
Running MindSqualls from a Mac? http://courses.washington.edu/art483/site/images/projector3.jpg

Description of the "Designing Behaviors, Art 483, Fundamentals of Interface Design" course: http://courses.washington.edu/art483/index.shtml


This project was done by Leon L. and his coursemates at the University of Upsala, Sweeden.

"The robot's mission is to be placed into an unknown world, creating a 2D map of the whole area."
Main site: http://www.robocup.it.uu.se/ve/?en_ivalde
Gallery: http://www.robocup.it.uu.se/ve/?en_ivalde_gallery
Video of Ivalde Rev L
in action:


Kevin Gabbert plans to combine his NXT robot with his iRobot. For that purpose he wants to package the MindSquals API with his own CreateOI Framework.

CreateOI repository: https://sourceforge.net/projects/createoi

Lego Defense Industries

Aeron writes:

"No, I'm not an antisocial, misanthropic individual. I just have a fascination with the physics of flinging small bits of plastic in a controlled fashion."
Main site: http://legodefenseindustries.blogspot.com/2007/03/cube-area-missle-defense-prototype-1.html
Cool video of the (plastic-)missile launcher in action: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8760739133167945319&hl=en
RSS feed: http://www2.blogger.com/feeds/35609237/posts/default

Bluetooth Force-Feedback Rover

GhostInside writes:

"The goal on this project was to create a simple mobile platform that could be remote-controlled from the joystick at my desk."
NXTLOG site http://us.mindstorms.lego.com/en-us/Community/NXTLog/DisplayProject.aspx?id=36db23b6-6fb1-45f8-8e74-bd3a27068c42
Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKkK-zwYwUc
GhostInsides other projects at NXTLOG http://us.mindstorms.lego.com/en-us/Community/NXTLog/DisplayProjectList.aspx?memberid=QUN4UzRCZXVjaFpXa1ZPa3krSEp6MlZvL08ySWl0eGRlWFNDS3NvMStQN3VPWmo2b3dmRDRNRzU4UDY5ZGpVaA%3d%3d


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